My £3.99 Brow Secret

Brows on fleek?

I like to think of myself as a brow connoisseur having tried all methods since the age of about 14 when my mum marched me down to the threading booth underneath the escalators in our local shopping centre. Since then, I’ve explored other methods of brow shaping including waxing, tweezing, shaving (do not reccommend!) and even hair removal cream. However, nothing beats the fresh feeling of having your eyebrows threaded (even if it feels like your soul is being ripped out at the root).

Due to the cozzie livs and inflation, getting my eyebrows done was getting a bit costly. I wanted to see if I could do it on the cheap and get just as good of a result. I always avoided waxing as the hair breakage and ingrown hairs didn’t seem worth it somehow but luckily on a trip to Savers, I found the answers to my prayers.

I started off using the Beauty Formulas Aloe Vera Face Wax Strips but they left a lot of residue that was hard to get off. After they were discontinued I then tried the Boots Face Wax Strips but I missed the bargain of the Savers ones. Then I found the original Veet Face Wax Strips in Savers which were very good but did rip too much skin off under my eyebrow. Luckily they had the Veet Natural Inspirations Wax Strips which still have the grip of the original but are kinder to skin!

Now, I don’t consider having any kind of sensitive skin but these ones pull out all my coarse eyebrow hairs and come with 20 wax strips which I cut in half or in quarters for more precision, plus it is easier to see where I’m waxing. These strips don’t leave a sticky residue and come with finishing wipes which really help get any remaining wax off. Oh, and they’re only £3.99!

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